Extreme Adventures

We have over 20 years of experience leading travelers on adventures that are mentally and physically challenging. Our expert mountaineering and expedition guides can lead you to both Poles, the highest peaks in Iceland or Greenland, across the largest ice cap in Europe and across the length of Iceland. Put your outdoor adventure skills to the test by embarking on one of our extreme tours.

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Take on the ultimate challenge by cross-country skiing for 9 days across the mighty Vatnajökull glacier, the largest in Europe. This expedition is a must-do for outdoor enthusiasts and seasoned expeditionists.

9 days
Skiers on the icelandic traverse resting a bit

Put your cross-country skiing skills to the test with this challenging and rewarding adventure along the ancient Sprengisandur route in the Icelandic highlands. A diverse, wide open landscape with breathtaking views awaits.

10 days
The beautiful Hvannadalshnúkur mountain in Iceland against a blue sky.

Take your mountain climbing to the next level by reaching the summit of Iceland’s highest peak, 2110 m. This demanding hike is a must-do for mountain climbing enthusiasts and those that love a good physical challenge.

Apr - Jul
15 hours
A beautiful mountain valley with rivers flowing everywhere and the light blue sky above with pink clouds

The ultimate backpacking expedition across Iceland! From Ásbyrgi in the North of Iceland to the black beaches of Vík in the South - through the center of the Icelandic highlands. Travel this challenging route with our expert guide!